


In conversation with the world’s first and only standalone virtual assets regulator: Dubai’s Virtual Assets Regulatory Authority

Amidst the resurgence in global crypto markets, governments across the world are working to implement comprehensive regulatory frameworks and enact…


What FATF’s Report on Recommendation 15 Means for Regulators & Private Sector

On March 28, 2024, the global money laundering and terrorist financing watchdog, Financial Action Task Force (FATF), published a table…


DeFi Regulation: Practical Next Steps to Make the Industry Safer

How Decentralized Finance (DeFi) should be regulated is part of a broader debate about how we control technologies that operate…


Everything You Need To Know About Stablecoin Regulation Podcast Ep. 95

Episode 95 of the Public Key podcast is here! Stablecoin regulations have been slowly popping up around the world.  In…


Fan Tokens and SportsFi: Alexandre Dreyfus – Ep. 89

Episode 89 of the Public Key podcast is here. Fan Tokens and SportsFi might be very new terms to those…


Five Reasons Why 2022 Will Be The Year Regulators Around The World Take On Crypto

Caroline Malcolm is Chainalysis’ Head of International Policy. With the new year now well underway, I’m delighted to announce that…


How NFT Platforms Can Get Ahead of AML Risk

Salman Banaei is Chainalysis’ Head of Public Policy for North America On February 4, the U.S. Department of the Treasury…


What is AML and KYC for Crypto?

In just thirteen years, cryptocurrencies have redefined money. It’s little wonder, then, that they’ve also redefined money laundering. Over the…


How Governments Regulate Cryptocurrency

In the early days of blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies operated in a gray area of the economy. But as financial institutions…



マネーロンダリングやテロ資金供与対策(AML/CFT)の国際基準を策定する政府機関である金融活動作業部会(Financial Action Task Force: FATF)は、今月”Second 12-Month Review of the Revised FATF Standards on Virtual Assets and Virtual Asset Service Providers”を公開しました。FATFが暗号資産(Virtual…


Not All Blockchain Analysis Providers Are the Same and Other Insights from FATF’s Second 12-Month Review

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is the inter-governmental body that sets global standards relating to anti-money laundering and combating…


FATF’s 12-Month Virtual Asset Review: Substantial Progress and Need for Greater Consistency

This week, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) published its 12-month review of the progress made by both the public…


FATFによる12ヶ月レビュー: 着実な進展と一貫した対応の追求

訳注: FATFに参加するメンバーには単一の国だけでなく複数の国から構成される政策機関も含まれることから、原文では「国」を意味する”country”ではなく、「法律の管轄区域」を意味する”jurisdiction”という用語が使われています。日本語では、原則としてそれに従い「法域」と訳しています。 今週、Financial Action Task Force (FATF)は、12ヶ月という期間で、公共及び民間部門において、暗号資産関連の規制について施行すべきこと(FATF勧告)がどの程度進んでいるかについてのレポートを発表しました。このFATF勧告は、元々2019年6月に発表されており、FATFの200以上のメンバーやオブザーバーである法域に対して、以下のような規制を施行することを求めています。 取引所やホステッドウォレットなどを含む暗号資産サービスプロバイダ(Virtual Asset Service Provider: VASP)を免許制とすること 本人確認(Know Your Customer: KYC)やエンハンスドデューデリジェンスを徹底すること VASPにおいてトランザクションモニタリングによるリスクベースのAML/CFTコンプライアンスを義務付けること トラベルルールコンプライアンス − 1,000…


Links Virtual Session Recap: Ken Blanco on the State of Cryptocurrency Regulation

Our Links Virtual series continued last week, with FinCEN Director Ken Blanco joining Chainalysis Global Head of Policy Jesse Spiro…


Japan’s Cryptocurrency Regulation Updates: What You Need to Know

Starting on May 1, Japan began enforcing a slew of new cryptocurrency regulations recently passed as updates to existing laws.…