Customer Story

Anubi Digital builds trust in institutional deFi with Chainalysis

  • Safeguard their custodial platform from illicit activity
  • Focus their compliance team on risky transactions and users
  • Attract new prospects by inspiring confidence in a safe operating environment
  • Facilitate healthy client and regulator relationships through blockchain transparency

With Chainalysis, we can confidently tell institutional investors that we know the source of our client’s funds.”

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Serving a Select Client Base
After being one of the first Italian companies subscribing to the Italian Organismo Agenti e Mediatori’s (OAM) special registry for Virtual Assets Service Providers (VASPs), Anubi Digital is bringing the opportunities of DeFi to the Italian market.

Addressing Unique Custodial Requirements
Since they provide custody of digital assets, staking, and DeFi services for HNWIs and institutional clients, it’s critical that the company satisfies regulatory requirements. “It’s more difficult to generate yields from traditional assets, so institutional investors are very attracted to our offerings. However, they wouldn’t even consider taking advantage of our platform if we weren’t fully compliant with regulations,” continues D’Aquilio.

Chainalysis helps us show clients the transparency of our operations and ensure Italian authorities that our clients’ transactions are not illicit.”

Securing Their Custodial Services
Before using Chainalysis, Anubi Digital’s compliance team manually copied and pasted every client deposit address into a tool like Blockchain Explorer. Now, they take advantage of our seamless product integration with Fireblocks for automated AML and KYT screening. The Fireblocks platform automatically leverages our risk scores and custom risk policies to ensure Anubi Digital’s platform remains safe and compliant.

Realizing Wide-Ranging Value With Chainalysis
Now, Anubi Digital can assure clients, law enforcement, and regulators about the legitimacy of transactions. “Chainalysis helps us show clients the transparency of our operations and ensure Italian authorities that our clients’ transactions are not illicit,” says Gerbino.

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